Are you in need of a homeschool mentor? Maybe you need to ask a few questions about an area of parenting or homeschooling. 


Join me for homeschooling coffee chats - a time where I can encourage and support you, and answer questions specific to YOUR SITUATION. 



I am a veteran homeschool mom, having graduated two children. Our journey began in 2008, when we pulled our oldest child out of public school. We were homeschooling on a "trial basis" - and the rest is history! My heart's desire is to encourage and equip other moms to know they CAN homeschool - and even in the hardest of times, home education is WORTH IT! 

These coffee chats are designed to encourage and equip homeschool moms like you. Join us in a small group via Zoom as we share our questions and our hearts about all things home education.



Attend the FIRST EVER Coffee Chat!


Coffee Chat FAQs: